Defining a Dictionary
Python словник – це колекція, яку ви використовуєте для зберігання даних у парах {ключ : значення}. Словник є впорядкованою та змінюваною структурою. Крім того, він не може зберігати повторювані дані.
Словники — це реалізація Python структури даних, яка більш загально відома як асоціативний масив. Словник складається з набору пар ключ-значення, причому словник не може мати однакові ключі.
Ви також можете створити словник за допомогою вбудованої функції dict(). Аргументом для dict() має бути послідовність пар ключ-значення. Для цього добре працює список кортежів:
Якщо ключові значення є простими рядками, їх можна вказати як аргументи ключового слова. Отже, ось ще один спосіб визначення:
Визначивши словник, ви можете відобразити його вміст так само, як і список. Усі три наведені вище визначення відображаються таким чином:
Записи у словнику відображаються в тому порядку, у якому вони були визначені. Але це не має значення, коли справа доходить до їх відновлення. Доступ до елементів словника не здійснюється за числовим індексом:
Можливо, ви все ж захочете відсортувати свій словник. Якщо це так, перегляньте статтю Сортування словника Python: значення, ключі та інше.
Accessing Dictionary Values
Of course, dictionary elements must be accessible somehow. If you don’t get them by index, then how do you get them?
A value is retrieved from a dictionary by specifying its corresponding key in square brackets ([]
If you refer to a key that is not in the dictionary, Python raises an exception:
Adding an entry to an existing dictionary is simply a matter of assigning a new key and value:
If you want to update an entry, you can just assign a new value to an existing key:
To delete an entry, use the del
statement, specifying the key to delete:
Begone, Seahawks! Thou art an NFL team.
Dictionary Keys vs. List Indices
You may have noticed that the interpreter raises the same exception, KeyError
, when a dictionary is accessed with either an undefined key or by a numeric index:
In fact, it’s the same error. In the latter case, [1]
looks like a numerical index, but it isn’t.
You will see later in this tutorial that an object of any immutable type can be used as a dictionary key. Accordingly, there is no reason you can’t use integers:
In the expressions MLB_team[1]
, d[0]
, and d[2]
, the numbers in square brackets appear as though they might be indices. But they have nothing to do with the order of the items in the dictionary. Python is interpreting them as dictionary keys. If you define this same dictionary in reverse order, you still get the same values using the same keys:
The syntax may look similar, but you can’t treat a dictionary like a list:
Note: Although access to items in a dictionary does not depend on order, Python does guarantee that the order of items in a dictionary is preserved. When displayed, items will appear in the order they were defined, and iteration through the keys will occur in that order as well. Items added to a dictionary are added at the end. If items are deleted, the order of the remaining items is retained.
You can only count on this preservation of order very recently. It was added as a part of the Python language specification in version 3.7. However, it was true as of version 3.6 as well—by happenstance as a result of the implementation but not guaranteed by the language specification.
Building a Dictionary Incrementally
Defining a dictionary using curly braces and a list of key-value pairs, as shown above, is fine if you know all the keys and values in advance. But what if you want to build a dictionary on the fly?
You can start by creating an empty dictionary, which is specified by empty curly braces. Then you can add new keys and values one at a time:
Once the dictionary is created in this way, its values are accessed the same way as any other dictionary:
Retrieving the values in the sublist or subdictionary requires an additional index or key:
This example exhibits another feature of dictionaries: the values contained in the dictionary don’t need to be the same type. In person
, some of the values are strings, one is an integer, one is a list, and one is another dictionary.
Just as the values in a dictionary don’t need to be of the same type, the keys don’t either:
Here, one of the keys is an integer, one is a float, and one is a Boolean. It’s not obvious how this would be useful, but you never know.
Notice how versatile Python dictionaries are. In MLB_team
, the same piece of information (the baseball team name) is kept for each of several different geographical locations. person
, on the other hand, stores varying types of data for a single person.
You can use dictionaries for a wide range of purposes because there are so few limitations on the keys and values that are allowed. But there are some. Read on!
Restrictions on Dictionary Keys
Almost any type of value can be used as a dictionary key in Python. You just saw this example, where integer, float, and Boolean objects are used as keys:
You can even use built-in objects like types and functions:
However, there are a couple restrictions that dictionary keys must abide by.
First, a given key can appear in a dictionary only once. Duplicate keys are not allowed. A dictionary maps each key to a corresponding value, so it doesn’t make sense to map a particular key more than once.
You saw above that when you assign a value to an already existing dictionary key, it does not add the key a second time, but replaces the existing value:
Similarly, if you specify a key a second time during the initial creation of a dictionary, the second occurrence will override the first:
Begone, Timberwolves! Thou art an NBA team. Sort of.
Secondly, a dictionary key must be of a type that is immutable. You have already seen examples where several of the immutable types you are familiar with—integer, float, string, and Boolean—have served as dictionary keys.
A tuple can also be a dictionary key, because tuples are immutable:
(Recall from the discussion on tuples that one rationale for using a tuple instead of a list is that there are circumstances where an immutable type is required. This is one of them.)
However, neither a list nor another dictionary can serve as a dictionary key, because lists and dictionaries are mutable:
Technical Note: Why does the error message say “unhashable”?
Technically, it is not quite correct to say an object must be immutable to be used as a dictionary key. More precisely, an object must be hashable, which means it can be passed to a hash function. A hash function takes data of arbitrary size and maps it to a relatively simpler fixed-size value called a hash value (or simply hash), which is used for table lookup and comparison.
Python’s built-in hash()
function returns the hash value for an object which is hashable, and raises an exception for an object which isn’t:
All of the built-in immutable types you have learned about so far are hashable, and the mutable container types (lists and dictionaries) are not. So for present purposes, you can think of hashable and immutable as more or less synonymous.
In future tutorials, you will encounter mutable objects which are also hashable.
Restrictions on Dictionary Values
By contrast, there are no restrictions on dictionary values. Literally none at all. A dictionary value can be any type of object Python supports, including mutable types like lists and dictionaries, and user-defined objects, which you will learn about in upcoming tutorials.
There is also no restriction against a particular value appearing in a dictionary multiple times:
Operators and Built-in Functions
You have already become familiar with many of the operators and built-in functions that can be used with strings, lists, and tuples. Some of these work with dictionaries as well.
For example, the in
and not in
operators return True
or False
according to whether the specified operand occurs as a key in the dictionary:
You can use the in
operator together with short-circuit evaluation to avoid raising an error when trying to access a key that is not in the dictionary:
In the second case, due to short-circuit evaluation, the expression MLB_team['Toronto']
is not evaluated, so the KeyError
exception does not occur.
The len()
function returns the number of key-value pairs in a dictionary:
Built-in Dictionary Methods
As with strings and lists, there are several built-in methods that can be invoked on dictionaries. In fact, in some cases, the list and dictionary methods share the same name. (In the discussion on object-oriented programming, you will see that it is perfectly acceptable for different types to have methods with the same name.)
The following is an overview of methods that apply to dictionaries:
Clears a dictionary.
empties dictionary d
of all key-value pairs:
d.get(<key>[, <default>])
d.get(<key>[, <default>])
Returns the value for a key if it exists in the dictionary.
The Python dictionary .get()
method provides a convenient way of getting the value of a key from a dictionary without checking ahead of time whether the key exists, and without raising an error.
searches dictionary d
for <key>
and returns the associated value if it is found. If <key>
is not found, it returns None
If <key>
is not found and the optional <default>
argument is specified, that value is returned instead of None
Returns a list of key-value pairs in a dictionary.
returns a list of tuples containing the key-value pairs in d
. The first item in each tuple is the key, and the second item is the key’s value:
Returns a list of keys in a dictionary.
returns a list of all keys in d
Returns a list of values in a dictionary.
returns a list of all values in d
Any duplicate values in d
will be returned as many times as they occur:
Technical Note: The .items()
, .keys()
, and .values()
methods actually return something called a view object. A dictionary view object is more or less like a window on the keys and values. For practical purposes, you can think of these methods as returning lists of the dictionary’s keys and values.
d.pop(<key>[, <default>])
d.pop(<key>[, <default>])
Removes a key from a dictionary, if it is present, and returns its value.
If <key>
is present in d
, d.pop(<key>)
removes <key>
and returns its associated value:
raises a KeyError
exception if <key>
is not in d
If <key>
is not in d
, and the optional <default>
argument is specified, then that value is returned, and no exception is raised:
Removes a key-value pair from a dictionary.
removes the last key-value pair added from d
and returns it as a tuple:
If d
is empty, d.popitem()
raises a KeyError
Note: In Python versions less than 3.6, popitem()
would return an arbitrary (random) key-value pair since Python dictionaries were unordered before version 3.6.
Merges a dictionary with another dictionary or with an iterable of key-value pairs.
If <obj>
is a dictionary, d.update(<obj>)
merges the entries from <obj>
into d
. For each key in <obj>
If the key is not present in
, the key-value pair from<obj>
is added tod
.If the key is already present in
, the corresponding value ind
for that key is updated to the value from<obj>
Here is an example showing two dictionaries merged together:
In this example, key 'b'
already exists in d1
, so its value is updated to 200
, the value for that key from d2
. However, there is no key 'd'
in d1
, so that key-value pair is added from d2
may also be a sequence of key-value pairs, similar to when the dict()
function is used to define a dictionary. For example, <obj>
can be specified as a list of tuples:
Or the values to merge can be specified as a list of keyword arguments:
In this tutorial, you covered the basic properties of the Python dictionary and learned how to access and manipulate dictionary data.
Lists and dictionaries are two of the most frequently used Python types. As you have seen, they have several similarities, but differ in how their elements are accessed. Lists elements are accessed by numerical index based on order, and dictionary elements are accessed by key
Because of this difference, lists and dictionaries tend to be appropriate for different circumstances. You should now have a good feel for which, if either, would be best for a given situation.
Next you will learn about Python sets. The set is another composite data type, but it is quite different from either a list or dictionary.
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